Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Groups

The stress of modern life, especially in the city, can be overwhelming and impact health. Psychotherapy isn't for everyone. Sometimes what is needed is a short-term work to learn skills to negotiate the demands of life. Basic stress and time management skills and mindfulness meditation can help reduce the physical and emotional impact chronic stress. 

 In addition to psychotherapy, I also offer: 
  • MBSR and MBCT groups
  • One-on-one for training in mindfulness meditation and mindfulness skills in daily life 
  • Short-term, tailored stress management  
  • Chronic pain management skills training
  • Training is a variety of relaxation skills
  • Workshops for small and large groups in stress management, mindfulness, and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) 

Please see my and other teachers' listings of classes on the NY Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Collaborative Site: http://www.mindfulnessmeditationnyc.com/